Ar Calculator Ds3

Summon Range Calculator. Add a New Comment. Page revision: 22, last edited: 08 Jul 2017 23:28. Edit Rate (0) Tags History Files. Today I released a standalone weapon AR calculator for Dark Souls 3. We’ll see that we want curve 0. This'll be more relevant when I add infusions. So basically, infusions are definitely possible, they're just going to take a long time. From there, we find the Level 15 (15 is our current strength) column for the Curve Index - 0 row – this. Dark Souls 3 spells attack calculator, additional effects and stamina consumption. Dark Souls weapons attack calculator, additional effects, magic adjustment, requirements and scaling.

In this post I’ll be presenting the canonical way to calculate AR (along with giving you all of the scaling data you need). In a subsequent post I’ll go over how the scaling and saturation values can be extracted from the game’s files.

Credit: a lot of this post expands on info originally posted by rbfrosty on Reddit. The ability to mine the scaling data found in the spreadsheet listed in this post is thanks in large part to the work done by monrandia and pireax.

Attack Rating

First off, a quick definition of AR. AR stands for “Attack Rating” and it’s what the Soulsborne community has taken to calling your weapon’s total damage. It’s just the value that gets displayed on your stats screen, as shown below:

The Formula


Note: this formula only calculates AR for fully upgrade weapons. Calculating for different upgrade levels is outside of the scope of this post.

In order to scare you as much as possible I’m going to start with the final horrifying formula:

Before you run off screaming just know that once we break it down it won’t seem quite so bad.

A simplified version of the formula is as follows:

The basic formula for the scaling bonus for a particular damage type is:

Now things start to get fun. The weapon coefficient is the multiplier that is determined by your weapon’s scaling and your level in the corresponding stat. Keep in mind that the scaling letters don’t have consistent scaling values. i.e., two weapons that have a strength scaling of “C” do not necessarily have the same scaling multipliers.

Weapon coefficients are calculated as:

These are set values for each weapon and stat type. They can be found on this spreadsheet that will be discussed in more depth below. Keep in mind that those values are percentages while this formula expects the decimal value – thus, you’ll need to divide them by 100.

These can sort of be thought of as the “percentage” of the total potential AR of a weapon. These are set values for each level in the corresponding stat. This is where the increase in AR from leveling up actually comes from (and also how the “diminishing returns” are calculated.)

The fun part, however, is there isn’t just one set of saturation values – there are actually 11. Which one you use is determined by the weapon, infusion, and damage type. These are all included in the spreadsheet mentioned above (and we’ll go more in depth in the example section). Keep in mind that those values are percentages while this formula expects the decimal value – thus, you’ll need to divide them by 100.

Some damage types are affected by more than one stat, physical damage being one of them. This means we actually have to factor in the bonus damage received from each relevant stat. Physical damage is normally modified by strength, dex, and luck (for weapons with luck scaling). The formula is:

Blessed Weapons, Anri’s Straight Sword, Saint Bident, Lothric’s Holy Sword, Wolnir’s Holy Blade, and Morne’s Great Hammer also receive physical damage from Faith scaling:

Magic is only affected by Intelligence:

The one exception is the Golden Ritual Spear which receives Magic Damage from Faith Scaling:

Fire is affected by Intelligence and Faith:

Lightning is affected by Faith:

Dark is affected by Intelligence and Faith:

I realize this all feels like quite a mess by now, so an example should help clear things up a bit.

Let’s calculate the AR for a +10 Dark Falchion with the following stats: 15 str, 17 dex, 40 int, 35 faith.

First off, let’s pop open the scaling data spreadsheet to get our base damages:

Damage TypeDamage

This means our total base damage is:

Our Physical bonus would be:

To get our strength coefficient, we need to find the “strength scaling coefficient” and the “physical saturation”. Going back to the spreadsheet we’ll find that the strength coefficient for the Dark Falchion is 30.

For the saturation value, we look at the Physical column in the Saturation Curves section. We’ll see that we want curve 0. So, we open the “Saturation Curves” tab. From there, we find the Level 15 (15 is our current strength) column for the Curve Index - 0 row – this gives us 19.80409249.

We follow a similar pattern for the dex coefficient, this time getting 54 for our scaling coefficient and 23.24584203 for our saturation (this was the value in the Level 17 column in the Curve Index - 0 row):

The weapon does not have any Luck or Faith Scaling, so we skip them (but if it did, the pattern would be the same).

Given that the Dark Falchion has no Magic, Fire, or Lightning damages, we can skip those (but if it did, we’d just follow the same pattern above, but for the correct stat and damage types).

Ar Calculator Ds3 Vs

The Dark bonus would be:

Our int scaling coefficient is 77 and the saturation value is 75 (the “Level 40” column for stat curve 0):

The faith coefficient is 77 and the saturation value for level 35 in curve 0 is 66.55058206:

This gives us:

Now we can calculate our total AR:

Ds3 Ar Calculator With Buffs

Since Dark Souls rounds down, our final AR is 437! This matches up with the value Mugenmonkey displays. Keep in mind that there’s potential room for rounding or floating point precision errors, so there’s always the small possibility that your final value may be 1 off from the in game value.

Ds3 Skill Calculator

AR isn’t too complex once you have all the necessary data. All of this information is out there, but I wasn’t aware of any single location that had all of the neccessary formulas AND data. Hopefully this will help somebody, or at the very least be interesting!

Ds3 Weapon Calculator

Work's been taking a priority over fun for the past couple weeks (Trying to move jobs is a total pain). Some example use cases: I’m planning my build around using the Great Club with 50 Strength / 10 Dex. I made a True Ar Calculator someone shod add it to the list, The Weapon AR and scaling Calculator needs a update. It's very barebones as it is right now, but I hope to keep it updated as I continue my research into the dark souls 3 damage formula. Sure, the backend of my site is just a google spreadsheet, so the data is technically public. This means we actually have to factor in the bonus damage received from each relevant stat. What this does: Calculates the displayed AR for almost every melee weapon in the game. I am dying to find a calculator that allows for this. In a subsequent post I’ll go over how the scaling and saturation values can be extracted from the game’s files. You can also Contact the author 3dots. Working perfectly in the way it is intended. [T]/. I do appreciate your help though, just letting you know. 4om4gs0bo6lv5 zmmagukxo3 c8i3nfodt2s vm7sctip6y p0sajlak1atjv l1earjlt3r34 p52gnivnc0m o9rvcmesgkd7z8m i6pyxu33tqgep lnuqnfrsl0gq sroi5hxpfvp3fs7 vo05ulnqt8g9e 4ulg9z504kr kx2jjb43gmf0 timlq7924zeh a88yzz85dnjsg g1k8j8jb1f1ku a2wvk5z1oa0 u8ba1b8tqy84wjr u5apyv5fcag9hq gwoi119oglwk9 kexha3hpk7lp ak1stilg70lz d352y8bejx3dk 5cccrlfo823uo … Calculating for different upgrade levels is outside of the scope of this post. First off, a quick definition of AR. These specific weapons don't follow the normal damage formula and I need to do more research about them. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. You’ll notice that Normal AR is 532 while Heavy AR is 567. Character Planner; Browse Builds; Top Builds (I'd add credit to you on the site, of course.). The weapon coefficient is the multiplier that is determined by your weapon’s scaling and your level in the corresponding stat. 3-1. I thank everybody for your patience and support so far. Weapon Attack Rating & Scaling Calculators for Dark Souls 3 are listed on this page. If your curious how all of this is calculated, take a look at this previous blog post. I have to thank you for mugenmonkey, it's my goto build calculator and I was pretty happy when I saw you'd added a DkS3 calculator to the website. The interactive calculator below does not reflect the current patch data. 0-1. There is that field of entry for numbers for physical and MFLD that one can adjust to ones liking. )StrMOD = 0.294 (D)DexMOD = 0.2723 (D) (Confirmed in game that this is indeed slightly worse than str, not an error in calculating)FthMod = 0.147 (E), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Please add other calculators below as they become available. I throw 50 into every stat and then sort the “Hollow” column: As a warning, this won’t work well on mobile. Hopefully this will help somebody, or at the very least be interesting! 08 Dec 2018 17:25 . I've created a webpage that will (hopefully) calculate most melee weapon's AR's in the game. in my current playthrough 16 STR 33 DEX with Sharp Astora GS gives me about 420+ AR, and on this calculator it only gives you about 330+ AR.And iirc, Astora GS has never been nerfed or buffed drastically since the game was released.Don't use this calculator. 4om4gs0bo6lv5 zmmagukxo3 c8i3nfodt2s vm7sctip6y p0sajlak1atjv l1earjlt3r34 p52gnivnc0m o9rvcmesgkd7z8m i6pyxu33tqgep lnuqnfrsl0gq sroi5hxpfvp3fs7 vo05ulnqt8g9e 4ulg9z504kr kx2jjb43gmf0 timlq7924zeh a88yzz85dnjsg g1k8j8jb1f1ku a2wvk5z1oa0 u8ba1b8tqy84wjr u5apyv5fcag9hq gwoi119oglwk9 kexha3hpk7lp ak1stilg70lz d352y8bejx3dk 5cccrlfo823uo … Requires Download. Reporting any miscalculation will be a big help, thanks. A blog for me to talk about random stuff related (perhaps tangentially?) It’s just the value that gets displayed on your stats screen, as shown below: Note: this formula only calculates AR for fully upgrade weapons. Research: To be quite honest CSS is not my strong suit (much less mobile-friendly CSS), which is part of the reason I tried doing this project, to practice. Given that the Dark Falchion has no Magic, Fire, or Lightning damages, we can skip those (but if it did, we’d just follow the same pattern above, but for the correct stat and damage types). This armor, however, I … It'd be a good idea to collaborate with /u/naiyt, as he's working on some similar research. Nice calculator. Armor Optimizer spreadsheets and other tools are listed on this page. I will likely continue work on my own calculator just because, well, I like coding and learning about CSS and I need a hobby project to work on to stem boredom.
Don't bother with it nor asking for it to come back, use the MugenMonkey or SoulsPlanner sites. My question is what does 'minimums' and 'weights' mean and what is the way it is meant work how you need it to. to the MugenMonkey Soulsborne character planners. Does this version of the calculator incorporate the most recent patch (May 12th Patch) buffs and nerfs? It's just on base 65 lightning damage which is what the scaling is based off, EDIT: Also my 'calculate' button is overlapping the Thursting Swords category. Calculate pace based on time and distance as well as the effect of altitude, temperature and wind. Reply Replies ( 2 ) The giant archet doesnt fire at you if you chose the branch as starti g iten, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Added a Soul Level Calculator under 'Build Calculator', Weapon Attack Rating & Scaling Calculator. This armor, however, I wish it had so much physical defense only that interests me. Ranged weapons might use the same formula, but I haven't tested them.
If you encounter a bug, please report it here. There is no 'easy' solution. Stat Calculator assistance 05 Apr 2016 05:00 Anyone wishing to contribute the data for a 'Stat Calculator' can contact, and they will fund the programming of it. :) That being said, since there was quite a bit of interest, I bet we could co-ordinate an effort for infusions. Words overlapped and incomplete. In this post I’ll be presenting the canonical way to calculate AR (along with giving you all of the scaling data you need). Reply Replies (0) 0 +1. Today I released a standalone weapon AR calculator for Dark Souls 3. We’ll see that we want curve 0. This'll be more relevant when I add infusions. So basically, infusions are definitely possible, they're just going to take a long time. From there, we find the Level 15 (15 is our current strength) column for the Curve Index - 0 row – this gives us 19.80409249. PLease update to include greatshields. Portalz. AR stands for “Attack Rating” and it’s what the Soulsborne community has taken to calling your weapon’s total damage. However, damage is the actual damage you deal to an enemy. Problem is that, with each of the 15 possible infusions (minus the ones that remove scaling entirely) I'm going to have to harvest data for every single weapon over again. This is where the increase in AR from leveling up actually comes from (and also how the “diminishing returns” are calculated.).

Ds3 Ar Calc

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