Indian Numerology Pdf

In Astrology, there are so many ways of making predictions and their functions arebased on the basis of planetary positions of Sun, stars and planets which have agreat impact on our life. But apart from all these fields,Numerology hasbeen always a very interesting and majestic art which has been practicing from yearsand years and it has been among the mysterious fields of our ancient astrology dueto its functionality. Numerology is considered as one of the earliest formsof metaphysical reading and communication.

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  • B.Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (1987-1991). He did his masters at Rice University, Houston, US (1991-1993). He works as a software engineer near Boston, USA. He is seriously interested in Jyotish and Sanskrit literature.
  • Study Vedic Numerology. Indian numerology is also known as Vedic numerology because it emerged in the era of the Vedas, some of the oldest and most sacred texts of the Indo-Aryans. Most of the Vedic period (except the earlier phase of Rig-Veda) occurred from the 12th to 6th century BC, making this system of numerology more or less contemporary to Chaldean and Chinese systems of numerology.

Numerology does not deal only with the study of numbers but it has been consideredas the study of occult science which reflects certain aptitudes and character tendenciesas an inherited part of our universe. The art of Numerology establishes amystical relationship between the cosmic energy and human beings. Numerology isa tool that can measure and describe a persons' individuality.

Numerology, was originally known as the science of numbers. The word Numerology itself is a relatively new term coined around 1937 by Dr. Julia Seton who is accredited with giving the science of names and numbers the modern term “Numerology” which comes from the Latin word “numerus,” meaning number, and the Greek word “logos.”. Numerology, was originally known as the science of numbers. The word Numerology itself is a relatively new term coined around 1937 by Dr. Julia Seton who is accredited with giving the science of names and numbers the modern term “Numerology” which comes from the Latin word “numerus,” meaning number, and the Greek word “logos.”.

Numerology can be defined in several ways but according to the definitionof oxford dictionary, Numerology can be defined as the branch of knowledge thatdeals with the occult significance of numbers. But modern Numerology is anart that has been defined by, and includes aspects gathered from a myriad of differentcultures and teachings from various eras and civilizations throughout history. Numerologyis the most intuitive and straightforward of the many art of divination as it requiresonly birth date and full name of any given person to be able to delve into the significanceof the numbers and the secrets that they are associated with.

Numerology - Discover its Land of Origination and name of renowned Numerologists

Numerology has always been a fascinating art in the field of Ancient Astrology.This mystic art dates back thousands of years and hence, it has believers as wellas detractors also. If we talk about the history of Numerology, it can betraced back to our ancient civilizations such as Chinese, Egyptians and Indiansand it has also been associated with the Jews and Christians but the art of Numerologyhas also been practiced by great mathematicians like Pythagoras.

In today's scenario, the importance of this amazing art has intensified to a great extent. The revival of Numerology in popular culture came with the publishingof books from Ruth Drayer. Other modern proponents of the practice include L. DowBallet and Dr. Juno Jordan. They have explained each unseen facts related to thismystic art so that a layman could also easily interprets its significances and use.

Numerology - Its Significances and importance

Most of people wonder what the future has destined for them. The art of Numerologynot only help us to map our future but it also help us in understanding theunrevealed patterns of our life along with the events that has occurred in our past.It unfolds every chapter of our life with the help of letters in our name and ourbirth date. Each letter indicates a numeric value that is correlated with the cosmicvibrations of our Universe. The sum of numbers obtained from our birth date andthe sum of the numeric values of the letters in our name creates an interrelationof the cosmic vibrations with our life. The sum of these numbers plays a vital roleon our character, purpose in life, our motivations, our talents and our intelligence.

IndianIndian Numerology Pdf

Numerology helps us in deciding when to invest, where to invest, when tomarry, whom to marry, when to travel, when to start business, when to relocate andmany more! It helps us in getting helpful insights for our life and hence, Numerologyhas a personal significance in our life.

Numerology is not only a tool that can measure and describe a persons' individualitybut it help us to explain the past, define the present, and guide the future oftomorrow. It gives us predictions related to every important sphere of our lifesuch as relationships, love, money, work, health, family, spiritual growth and lotsmore!

Numerology - Used for the Children

Numerologytakes a look at the numbers that affect our lives. Most people discover somethingabout numerology in adulthood or even during their teen years. But for those whohave kids, can also use numerology to guide them throughout their life. We can nameour children based on our thoughts. Of course, nothing is certain and each numberis going to have its pros and cons, but at least we will have an idea of what toexpect.

The birth date is important and as it determines how your kids' lives are goingto be. It is reduced to get their Life Path. Another important factor is your kids'names. The name is used to determine a lot of different numbers in Numerologyincluding the Heart's Desire and the Personality Number. The Heart's Desire is representativeof what your kid is really looking for in life and what they are drawn to asidefrom the things associated with their Life Paths. The Personality Number is alsoderived using their given name and this is going to determine how your kids areperceived by other people.

Numerology- Used for checking relationship compatibility

Using Numerology for relationship compatibility can help us to maintain stabilityin our committed relationship. At the time of birth, we create a signature of energy,behavior, beliefs, attitudes, and expressions. When we develop a connection withanother person, our energies have to find a rhythm with their in order to createrelationship harmony. This is how relationships work on the spiritual level. Thepower of Numerology has been used by us to intensify our relationship withour close ones but many people use Numerology as a way to find the pointswhere healing can happen in a struggling or challenged relationship.

Books- Explore some famous Numerology books

  • The Numerology kit: This book of Numerology has been written by world famousnumerologist Carol Andrien and this book contains easy-to-follow instructions forthe beginners to make them easy to understand the secret of this majestic art.
  • Numerology for the New Age: This book is written buy a very renowned numerologistof California and the works depicted in this book reveals the insight of modernnumerology to the ancient traditions.
  • Your Days are Numbered: This book is written by a very popular numerologistof Pennsylvania which contains all the modern techniques of Numerology.
  • Cheiro's book of Numbers: This book is written by a world famous NumerologistCheiro whose first edition was published in 1964 and it contain all the basic instructionsfor learning the mystic art of Numerology and thus regarded as a very famous bookof Numerology.
  • NUMEROLOGY: The Meaning of Numbers: This book is written by a very renownednumerologist of New York 'Austin Coates' whose first edition was printed in 1974and it reveals all the basic principles of Numerology and hence has been includedunder one of the most renowned books on Numerology.


Double Digit Numbers

Numerology chart pdf

It is time for us to study the wider meanings of double digit numbers which play an important role in advanced numerology. In section one of the second lesson, I have already explained what the double digit numbers are, but their wider meanings must be properly understood in order to use them effectively in anybody's life. Cheiro, the greatest numerologist of all times, explains the deeper meanings of the double digit numbers in the following manner. These meanings proved accurate in the lives of several people, including mine, and I advise you to study this information with perfect concentration.
No. 10: It represents honour, faith, self confidence, rise and fall, good or bad. Depending on ones desires, this number leads one to good or bad.
No. 11: It represents hidden dangers, treachery and difficulties from others.
No. 12: It represents suffering, anxiety and sacrifice. This number personifies a person being sacrificed for the plans and intrigues of others.
No. 13: It represents change of plans, change of place, upheaval and destruction and unexpected dangers.
No. 14: It represents movement, combination of people and things, danger from natural elements such as fire, earth, air, water and ether. It is a very good number for dealing with money, speculation and changes in business but also carries some sort of risk or danger because of the actions of others.
No. 15: It is a very good number for receiving favours, gifts and money. It can be lucky and powerful when it is associated with some powerful primary numbers (see the explanation in the second section) but may turn out to be very destructive and dangerous when it comes in contact with one of the primary numbers of 4 and 8 or with both of them. This means that one should avoid business or any type of dealing with a person representing 15 when the transaction involves any of the two numbers of 4 and 8.
No. 16: It represents accidents and defeat of ones plans.
No. 17: This number represents spiritualism, peace, love, and immortality. It is a very fortunate number as long as it is not associated with a single number of 4 or 8.When 17 comes in contact with any of these numbers or both of them, it causes destruction and havoc. Talented but tragic too.
No. 18: This number represents materialism trying to destroy spiritualism. It also stands for quarrels, internal squabbles in families, war, street fighting, upheaval, explosions and revolutions. In some cases, it may represent money earning through business connected with arms and arms manufacturing and war related activities. Treachery, deception and danger from the natural elements are also indicated by this number.
No. 19: It represents success, esteem, honor and happiness. It is known as the heavenly number.
No. 20: It is not a materialistic number and its capacity to produce worldly success is doubtful. This number represents new plans, new ambitions and new purpose. It also stands for delays, hindrances. It gives a combined meaning of delay of plans and obstructions in the implementation of projects.
No. 21: This number represents advancement, success, elevation and honor in life. It also stands for victory after a long fight.
No. 22: This number stands for illusion and delusion, a fool's paradise and a dreamer of dreams. It represents false judgement and delay in recognizing the dangers looming large.
No. 23: It represents success and help from others and protection from those in high positions.
No. 24: This number represents assistance and association of persons in high positions. It also means gains from the persons of the opposite sex.
No. 25: This number means strength gained through experience and benefits obtained through observation of people and things. It also represents strife and trouble in the early life.
No. 26: It represents gravest dangers and disasters brought about by the association of people. It also stands for ruin and losses because of bad speculation, ill advice, bad partnerships and unions.
No. 27: This number represents authority, power and command. Persons representing this number should carry out their plans and ideas instead of taking advice from others.
No. 28: This is a number of great promises. It also indicates loss through trust in others, opposition, competition and trade and danger through law agencies. It represents a person beginning his life again and again and making a new beginning again and again.
No. 29: This number indicates uncertainties, treachery and deception from others. It also stands for dangers, unreliable friends, grief and deception from the opposite sex.
No. 30: It is neither fortunate nor unfortunate. Sometimes it can be powerful and sometimes it can be the weakest number.
No. 31: This number has the ingredients of number 30. Additionally, it is identified with isolation and loneliness.
No. 32: This number has the ingredients of numbers 14 and 23.
No. 33: This number is like the number 24.
No. 34: It is like the number 25
No. 35: It is like the number 26
No. 36: It is like the number 27
No. 37: It represents good friendship and partnership of all kinds. It also stands for success in matters concerning relations with the opposite sex.
No. 38: It is like the number 29
No. 39: It is like the number 30
No. 40: It is like the number 31
No. 41: It is like the number 32
No. 42: It is like the number 24
No. 43: It is an unfortunate number. It represents revolution, upheaval, strife, failure and prevention.
No. 44: It is like the number 26
No. 45: It is like the number 27
No. 46: It is like the number 37
No. 47: It is like the number 29
No. 48: It is like the number 30
No. 49: It is like the number 31
No. 50: It is like the number 32
No. 51: It is a high potency number and represents the nature of a warrior. It also stands for sudden advancement in undertakings. This number is highly favourable for leaders and those connected with navy and military activities but it also carries a threat of assassination from rivals and enemies.
No. 52: It is like the number 43
Any other number above 52, including compound numbers from 100 onwards, should be calculated in the following manner: reduce the number by 9 till you reach 52 (or less) than that and see the corresponding meaning of the number.
For example,
if you have to find out the meaning of 98, do the following:
The meaning of number 98 is equal to the meaning of number 44. The same method should be applied to all other numbers above 52.

Best sites

Numerology wiki
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Numbers and you by LLoyd StrayhornIndian numerology books pdf download
நியுமரலாஜி (எண் கணிதம்) பிறந்த தேதி ஜோதிடம் by V. A. Sivarasa


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Welcome, Thanks for coming here. You believed in vibrations, and the same vibrations brought you here - its your destiny to find out all about numerology, this calculator can be of great help in learning numerology. Kudos to you, All the very best in your endeavour.
I am improving this site everyday. Please click here to leave feedback / comments. If you like this site, please refer by sharing this link. You can also tweet/share/link back to this page from/on your social network. Finally, Thanks to my dad Periyakaruppan for teaching / interesting me in numerology.

Based on this calculator, do not take any decision. This tool/page can be completely wrong too. Please consult a professional numerologist. I am just a novice - amateur - hobbyist!!!.


Indian Numerology Books Pdf Download

  • Double Digit a.k.a (also known as) Double Number a.k.a Compound number

Numerology Number Meanings Pdf