Uft Testing Tool Tutorial Pdf

This is the third tutorial in our UFT One tutorial series. We started the tutorial series on the latest version of UFT with Tutorial 1: Introduction to software testing. In Tutorial 2, we saw a detailed introduction to UFT One , where we downloaded and installed UFT One on the machine and discussed various UFT One related desktop-shortcuts and Windows startup menu options. In this tutorial, we will launch UFT One for the first time and discuss UFT One add-ins and UFT One Add-in manager found in the splash screen.

Tutorial UFT'sTestingProcess HPUnifiedFunctionalTesting(12.53) Page11of248. Testing document. Tutorial UFTMainWindow HPUnifiedFunctionalTesting(12.53) Page17of248. Simplify and improve test creation, execution, and maintenance through AI-powered intelligent automation. AI-based machine learning and advanced OCR provide for advanced object recognition, and when combined with AI-based mockup identification, AI-based recording, AI-based text matching, and image-based automation, teams can reduce test creation time and test. Current Affairs. Test Results; QTP - GUI Objects; QTP - Virtual Objects; QTP - Accessing Databases. Preview QTP Tutorial (PDF. Contents WelcometotheUFTTutorialforGUITesting 7 UFTGuidesandReferences 8 AdditionalOnlineResources 11 Chapter1:IntroducingUnifiedFunctionalTesting-GUITestingforWeb.

You are at the right place if you are looking for:

  • What are add-ins in QTP/UFT One?
  • UFT One Add-in Manager
  • Default Add-ins in QTP/UFT One
  • QTP/UFT One addins list
  • How to add more add-ins in UFT One Add-in Manager?

Let us see what happens when we launch UFT One for the first time. You can launch UFT either by double clicking the UFT One icon present on your desktop or using the UFT One start menu.

Launch UFT

If you are on a 30 days trial version of UFT One, when you launch UFT One, you will see a screen similar to this

If your company has provided you the license key you can click Install License button to install seat or a concurrent UFT One license, else if you wish to Continue with the UFT trial license, click Continue button.

UFT One Add-ins & Add-in Manager

Once you click Continue button, you will get an UFT Add-in Manager screen.

What are Add-ins in QTP/UFT One?

Uft testing tool tutorial pdf downloadTool

Add-ins in UFT One are a way to ensure UFT One identifies objects in a corresponding environment. For example: If you are testing Java based UI controls, you would need Java add-in. For Siebel app, you need Siebel add-in.

UFT One is quite versatile and supports a large number of technologies. This, in-fact, is one of the main reasons behind the popularity of UFT One. For instance, Selenium, though an extremely popular automation testing tool, is limited to web based testing and does not support windows based applications.


Here is the complete list of add-ins and technologies supported by UFT One:

  • .NET: You would need a .NET add-in to test UI objects in Silverlight, .NET webforms, .NET Windows Forms and WPF apps.
  • Active X: You would need to load Active X add-in. Note that Siebel and Active-X add-ins if loaded together, may cause conflict during record time.
  • Delphi: A Delphi add-in is required to test Delphi controls created in Delphi IDE based in Win32 VCL library.
  • Flex: A flex add-in is required to be loaded to test applications opened in Adobe Flash player debugger. This add-in has a large set of dependencies on Adobe flash player, Adobe flash player debugger and Adobe Air. Make sure you go through the UFT_AddinsGuide.pdf available at C:Program Files (x86)HPUnified Functional TestinghelpUFT_AddinsGuide.pdf. Additional Reference: Complete support matrix for UFT.
  • Java: You need a Java add-in to test Java UI objects. Here it is important to mention that UFT does not depend on server side technologies (use a tool tip here to define server side technology) at all to identify objects. Hence an applications built in server side technologies like Java, PHP won’t affect UFT at all.
  • Mobile: HPE has progressed a lot when it comes to mobile testing. UFT Mobile add-in uses Mobile center to test mobile applications.
  • Oracle: Enable Oracle add-in as well as Web add-in ( and optionally Java add-in) to test Oracle applications.
  • PeopleSoft: You would need to enable PeopleSoft add-in to test PeopleSoft applications. This mimics web add-in and no special configuration is required.
  • PowerBuilder: PowerBuilder add-in is required to test PowerBuilder applications. This is a windows based add-ins.
  • Qt framework: Qt add-in can be used to test applications developed using Qt framework for mobile devices.
  • SAP Solutions: You can use the SAP Web testing support provided with the UFT Add-in for SAP Solutions to test user-interface objects in Web-based SAP applications. These applications include SAP
    Enterprise Portal, Internet Transaction Server, SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and the Interaction Centre Web Client.
  • Siebel: Siebel add-in can be used to test both standard interactivity and high interactivity applications.
  • Standard Windows: UFT can test any application developed using Win32 API. It does not require use of any extra add-in hence you will not find a Standard windows add-in in the Add-in manager.
  • Stingray: The UFT Stingray Add-in recognizes and records on supported Stingray Objective Grid and Stingray Objective Toolkit controls.
  • Terminal Emulator: You would need a Terminal Emulator add-in to test objects in terminal emulator applications. Make sure you configure your TE settings so that it can work with UFT.
  • UI Automation: Use UI Automation for Windows applications that have implemented UI automation provider interfaces. This is supposed to be under advanced tutorial topics. We will cover UI automaton in detail when we move to more advanced topics in our tutorial series.
  • VisualAge Smalltalk: You can use the UFT VisualAge Smalltalk Add-in to test VisualAge Smalltalk user-interface controls.
  • Visual Basic: Use Visual Basic Add-in to test Visual basic applications. This is a simple Windows based add-in with no dependencies.
  • Web: This is one of the most frequently used add-ins in UFT. For any web based application testing, you need to load web add-in. We will discuss about We Add-in in detail in an advanced tutorial.
  • Windows Runtime: You can use Windows Runtime add-in to test Windows store applications.

There are certain default add-ins that are shipped with UFT One installation (Also shown in the red box in the image above) :

  • ActiveX
  • Mobile
  • UI Automation
  • Visual Basic
  • Web

We have seen several questions in the UFT support forums where new users of UFT come up with frequent issues of UFT not identifying objects. As a rule-of-thumb you should ensure that you open your Application Under Test (AUT) only after you have launched UFT, UAC is disabled and you are logged-in as an admin on your machine. Also bookmark these important UFT tips when UFT fails to identify objects.

What is an Add-in Manager?

Add-in Manager in UFT One is a windows dialog box that comes up when you launch UFT. In Add-in manager you can choose to enable or disable various add-ins installed on your system.

Few points to note regarding Add-in Manager.

  • Make sure you keep Show on startup box checked. (image above)
  • As far as possible try to limit the add-ins to not more than 3 at the same time. As you increase number of add-ins , UFT performance will decrease.

How to add more add-ins in QTP/UFT One Add-in Manager?

UFT Add-ins are installed along-with UFT installation. You can add more UFT add-ins at a later time by running UFT installation in Modify mode.

This brings us to the end of Tutorial 3. We trust you have understood the concepts of Add-ins in UFT.

You can refer the complete set of UFT tutorials covered till now using the links below:


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In case you have any questions on UFT Add-ins, please comment below.

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Uft Testing Tool Tutorial Pdf Editor

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