How To Make The Periods Bigger

  1. How To Make The Periods Bigger In Google Docs
  2. How To Make The Periods Bigger In Word

Write an essay on the topic lockdown and its effect on pollution How bigger to essay periods in an make. Case study topics for group discussion my mom short essay possible topics on research paper argumentative essay claim examples. Mini research paper directions. Linking words for university essays, making an argument essay. Have a Wonderful Sex. You can have your period faster by having sex mainly because it increases.

The thing i do the most to make a paper longer if specifics are required is 2 spaces after the periods. Depending on the length of the paper it can add half a page or more. I wrote a 75 page paper over the summer, with every detail specified, except nothing about.

How To Make The Periods Bigger In Google Docs

1. Open Microsoft Word, click the “File” tab and click “Open.” Browse to the document with the periods to make bigger and double-click the file name. The file opens in a new Word window.
2. Click the small gray circle icon, located in the bottom right corner of the Word screen. The circle is on the bottom of the scroll bar, in between two small up- and down-pointing arrows.
3. Click the second option on the fly-out screen, the icon of the binoculars, with the word “Find” above it. The “Find and Replace” screen appears.
How To Make The Periods Bigger4. Click the “Replace” tab. Highlight a period in your document with your cursor and press the “Ctrl” and “C” keys on your keyboard to copy it. Click your cursor into the “Find what” box on the window and press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys to paste in the period, which also pastes in the period’s font size in the document.
5. Click into the “Replace with” box and press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys again to paste another copy of the period. Highlight the period with your cursor.
How6. Click the “More >>” button. Click the “Format” button under the “Replace” section at the bottom of the window. Click “Font.” The “Font” window opens.How to make the periods bigger on pages
7. Scroll through the options in the “Size” menu and select a new font size for the periods. Click “OK” when satisfied. Notice that the new font appears under the “Replace with” section at the top of the window.

How To Make The Periods Bigger In Word

8. Click “Replace All.” The Word document instantly updates all of the periods to the larger size.How To Make The Periods BiggerHow To Make The Periods Bigger