Spoken English Study Material Pdf

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English Grammar Notes PDF, Download English Topic Wise Study Material for SSC, IBPS, Clerk and Bank Exams, English Grammar Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Tense, Narration and other Topics in PDF

English is a subject that is most common but also difficult for as per the aspects of competitive exams. Lots of the candidates feel difficulty in English Grammar subject. Keep that in mind here we have provided English Grammar Notes in PDF format. If you are also the one who is looking for Grammar Notes online then this post can be useful for you as per the exam preparations.


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English Grammar Important Study Material for Exams

There are various topics in English Grammar and it is difficult to describe all in a single post. Here we have provided English Grammar Notes and Topics which are important for competitive exams. We hope that these topics will help you to understand English Grammar in a proper way. You can also download English Grammar Topic Wise Notes and study material from this page for various competitive exams such as SSC, IBPS, Banks, Clerk, MTS and others.

English Grammar Topics and Details

First of all it is important to know the important English Grammar Topics and study material for exam. After that you should start your preparations. So let’s have a look on English Grammar Topics.

  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Adjective
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Tense
  • Articles
  • Narration
  • Voice
  • Conjunction
  • Preposition
  • Conditional Sentence

Now go to the details of following English Grammar Topics for better understand.

English Grammar PDF Notes

Spoken English Study Material Pdf Examples


The noun is a naming word or noun is a name of any person, place or thing. There are five types of nouns.

(i). Proper Noun- A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place or thing.

Example- Gautam is my friend.

He lives at Rewari.

(ii.) Common Noun- A common noun refers to a person, place or thing in a general sense. It is not a name of any particular person or thing or place.

Example- He is the king of the state.

The nearest town is 30 km away from here.

(iii.) Collective Noun- A collective noun is the name of a group of persons or things taken together and spoken of as whole or as unit.

Example- The Jury has taken its decision.

The flock of geese spends most of its time in the pasture.

(iv.) Material Noun- A material noun is the name of metal or substance of which things are made of/ made from.

Example- Vikram got his furniture made of teak wood.

Paper is made from grass.

(v.) Abstract Noun- It refers the name of quality, action or state.

Example- Honesty is the best policy.

Note- Apart from these there are other 2 kinds of Noun are in English.

(a.) Countable Noun- The thing that is countable is known as countable noun.

Example- Mohit bought five tables.


She has a few friends.

(b.) Uncountable noun- The thing that can is not countable is known as Uncountable Noun.

Example- Ankur decided to sell the furniture of his house.

Much money was wasted in the election.

Pronoun –

Pronoun is a word used in place of Noun in order to avoid repetition of that noun. Here we have described all the types of pronouns on this page.

  1. Personal Pronoun
  2. Reflexive Pronoun
  3. Emphatic Pronoun
  4. Reciprocal Pronoun
  5. Indefinite Pronoun
  6. Interrogative Pronoun
  7. Distributive Pronoun


Adjectives are use to define the quality noun and pronouns.

Example- Jal Mahal is a nice place.

Here “Nice” is an adjective and place is a “noun”.

Example- Ram is a laborious person.

Here is “Laborious” is an adjective and person is a noun.

Types of Adjectives-

There are 6 types of adjectives defined in English Grammar.

(i). Descriptive adjective

(ii.) Quantitative adjective


(iii.) Demonstrative Adjective

(iv.) Possessive Adjective

(v.) Interrogative Adjective

(vi.) Distributive Adjective


Verb is a word use to describe an action, state or occurrence.

Non Finite Finite
1. Infinite (to + V1)

2. Gerund (V1+ ing)

3. Participles

Helping VerbMain Verb
Models PrimaryTransitive Verb

Intransitive Verb

Participles have 3 types

a. Present

b. Past

c. Perfect

Models have 2 types

a. Marginals

b. Complete Models

Example- He is going.

Here in this sentence “is” an auxiliary verb and “go” is the main verb.

Main Verbs-

Transitive Verbs – Where Objects are used with the verb are known as Transitive Verbs.

Example- I hit the ball.

Here “Hit” is the transitive verb.

Explanation- In this sentence action is not limited to the subject. It is passing over to the Object “Ball”.

Intransitive verb- In this the action is limited to the subject and it does not pass over to the Object.

Example- He sleeps on the bed.


Adverb are use to intensify any verb, adjective, preposition, adverb, adverbial phrase and sentence. Generally it is not use to modify noun and pronoun.


He works hard. (Modifies the verb)

Here “works” is the verb and “hard” is the adjective.

Manju is just over. (Modifies the adjective)

Types of Adverbs- There are mainly 3 types of adverbs in English Grammar.

Spoken English Study Material Pdf Example

  1. Simple Adverb
  2. Relative Adverb
  3. Interrogative Adverb


Tense defines the time and the situation of any work. In other words the meaning of tense is form of verb.

There are 3 types of tense in English.

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  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
Present Past Future
Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous

Example- Nishant plays cricket.

Manoj will play badminton.


Articles को हम वर्ड फ़िक्सर (Word Fixer) भी कहते है। मॉडर्न ग्रामर के अनुसार Articles एक प्रकार के determine है। ये किसी Noun के पूर्व Antecedent के रूप में प्रयुक्त होते है।

Indefinite Article (अनिश्चित)– A,An, (One/any) इनका प्रयोग अनिश्चित Singular Noun के साथ किया जाता है।

Example- I have a car.

Ranjan sings a song.

Definite Article – The का प्रयोग उस Noun के पूर्व किया जाता है जो नियश्चित है या विशेष है या जिसकी पूर्व में चर्चा की जा चुकी हो। The को इसलिए Definite Article कहते है।

Example-This is the house where she lives.

The man in blue is my son.

Note– कुछ शब्दों का abbreviation यदि M, F, N, X, S, L आदि से शुरू हो रहा है तो भी उच्चारण की प्रथम ध्वनि Vowel की ही होती है। अतः शब्दों से पूर्व AN का प्रयोग होता है।



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Narration –

Narration का शाब्दिक अर्थ कथन होता है। इसका समानार्थक शब्द assertion statement / declaration आदि होता है। ये २ प्रकार के होते है।

  1. Direct Speech
  2. Indirect Speech

Direct Speech – जब कोई audience किसी speaker की statement को Speaker के शब्दों या भाषा में ज्यों का त्यों एक्सप्रेस कर्ता है तो वह direct speech कहलाता है। इसमें speaker के Statement को Inverted Comma में रखा जाता है।

She Said, I am busy.”

Indirect Speech – जब audience, speaker की statement को अपने शब्दों में या भाषा में अभिव्यक्त करता है तो वह Indirect speech कहलाता है। इस में inverted comma को हटा दिया जाता है।

She said that she was busy.

Voice –

यह Verb का एक रूप है जिसमे यह पता लगता है की किया गया काम Subject ने किया है या Subject पर कोई काम किया गया है।

इसके 2 रूप होते है।

  1. Active Voice
  2. Passive Voice

Active Voice- Verb का वह रूप जिसमे subject , Object पर कोई क्रिया (Action) करता है, Active Voice कहलाता है।

Subject + Verb + Object

Raju Sang a song.

Here Raju is a Subject , sang is a Verb and song is an Object.

Passive Voice – Verb का वह रूप जिसमे कर्ता subject न होकर कोई और Subject है। तथा कर्ता को काम में लिया गया है।

A song was sang by Raju.

Conjunction –

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ऐसा शब्द है जो दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों या वाक्यों को आपस में जोड़ता है।

Rahul is poor yet happy.

Conjunction तीन प्रकार के होते है।

  1. Co – ordinating Conjunction
  2. Sub Ordinating Conjunction
  3. Correlative Conjunction – इन conjunction का प्रयोग जोड़े (Pairs) के रूप में किया जाता है।

Example – Either ….or, Neither …. nor , Whether ….or , Not only …..but also

Either he or I have to do it.

Not only they but also she is invited.

Preposition –

Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun and denotes its relation with another noun or pronoun.

Preposition वाक्य में ऐसा word है जो की generally Noun / Pronoun के पहले प्रयुक्त होता है तथा Noun / Pronoun का संबंध वाक्य में प्रयुक्त अन्य शब्दों से व्यक्त करता है।

Types of Preposition

Preposition को 3 भागो में बांटा गया है।

(a.) Simple Preposition – As, in, For , Through , with, by, on, of , off etc.

(b.) Compound Preposition – ये Preposition , Noun , Adverb , adjective के साथ preposition को prefix की तरह जोड़ने से बनते है।

(c.) Phrasal Preposition – दो या इससे अधिक words को जोड़कर बनने वाले Preposition को Phrasal Preposition कहा जाता है।

Example – Along with, By means of, for the sake of etc.

Conditional Sentence :

जब एक कार्य का होना दूसरे कार्य के होने पर निर्भर करे तो वाक्य Conditional Sentence कहलाता है।

Example – If I come to Jaipur, I will meet you.

सामान्तया Conditional Sentence में दो Clauses होते है।

Spoken English Study Material Pdf

(i.) If Clause (ii.) Main Clause

If Clause, condition तथा Main Clause कार्य के पूर्ण होने या न होने को व्यक्त करती है।

Conditional Sentences को 4 भागो में बांटा गया है।

(a.) if Clause in Present tense

(b.) if Clause in past tense

(c.) If clause in Past Perfect Tense

(d.) Other types of Conditional sentences

Here we shared the details of English Grammar Notes in PDF and study material of English. If you have any query regarding this article, you can write to us in the comment box. We will try to solve your queries as soon as possible.